In one of my previous projects, I had to add a performance testing suite for our Java APIs to measure the performance gain in the performance improvement that I was working on.

After some research, I found that Zerocode is able to fulfill our needs. Their GitHub Repo also includes an extensive documentation which made the process much easier for me.

I found that you can reuse your existing JUnit tests as performance tests using the LoadWith annotation.

For example, I have a unit test below. Take note that I have also used the RunWith annotation to use the ZeroCodeUnitRunner class.

public class MyUnitTest {
    public void testDefaultPass() {

Then, I can reuse this test as a performance test like in the example below.

@TestMapping(testClass = MyUnitTest.class, testMethod = "testDefaultPass")
public class LoadTest {

Take note that the class itself is empty. The load test is defined with the LoadWith and TestMapping annotations. The LoadWith annotation is used to specify the properties file where you can configure your load tests. In the example below, the threads, ramp-up period, loop count and abort time-out are defined in the properties file.


A more complete documentation is found here.

I also found this blog from Baeldung to be helpful when I was working on adding zerocode performance test.