Running GUI apps in WSL2 has finally been made easier in more recent versions of Windows 11 and Windows 10 with WSL2. If you’re like me, who use Windows as a daily driver for software development, you know that this makes life a bit easier.

Before the recent updates, you had to install an X Server and that is what you set as your display in your WSL2 environment - a bit old school. But now, WSL2 is better integrated with the host Windows environment that you no longer need to install an X Server for Linux GUI apps to work.

To test this, you can install gedit which is a linux notepad application.

sudo apt install -y gedit

Then run it with the gedit command.


It should show up in your screen as if it is a native Windows GUI application. gedit-light

However, this is not yet in dark theme. To enable dark theme, you have to install the following distos just like in any distro.

  • gnome-tweaks - allows you to set the theme
  • gnome-themes-extra - contains the dark theme
sudo apt install -y gnome-tweaks gnome-themes-extra

Then run gnome-tweaks to select the Adwaita-dark theme.



Then you can run gedit again to see the dark theme.


I’ve also set my gedit color scheme to Oblivion to make it look more uniform.